• People 人

    Sunadomari – His Kokyu Power and The Spirit of Aikido

    Kanshu Sunadomari 砂泊諴秀 was a prominent figure in the development of Aikido. He was a direct student of Ueshiba and trained with him for many years. Born in Kagoshima Prefecture 鹿児島県 in 1923, Sunadomari was exposed to Aikido as a child as his older brother, Kanemoto Sunadomari 砂泊兼基, was also a student of Ueshiba. His older sister, Fukiko Sunadomari 砂泊扶妃子 (光恵 Mitsu), later joined as well. The first biography of Morihei Ueshiba entitled Aikido Kaiso Morihei Ueshiba was published by Kanemoto Sunadomari in 1969, with his sister Mitsu deeply involved. In 1942, at the age of 19, Sunadomari began his aikido training as an uchi deshi 直弟子 (live-in student) of…