• History 歴史,  Waza 技

    The Art of Shikko and Suwari Waza

    Shikko 膝行, often referred to as knee-walking, is a fundamental movement method in Aikido. Aikido techniques performed from a seiza 正座 (seated) or shikko position are called suwari-waza 座り技. Suwari-waza is a distinguishing feature of Aikido, rarely seen in other martial arts. To understand why Aikido practices shikko and suwari-waza, one must trace back to Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu 大東流 合気柔術, which Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of Aikido, studied before establishing Aikido. Daito-ryu is said to be an Aizu han no otome-ryu 会津藩の御留流, a secret martial art of the Aizu 会津 domain. The Aizu han was a powerful and significant feudal domain during the Edo period 江戸時代, located in the westernmost region…