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A Brief Biography of the Second Doshu

Kisshomaru Ueshiba 植芝 吉祥丸 (1921-1999) was a Japanese martial artist and the second Doshu 道主 of Aikido after his father, Morihei Ueshiba, who founded the martial art. Kisshomaru Ueshiba was born in Ayabe, Kyoto, Japan, 1921. His father Morihei Ueshiba was already a renowned martial artist. Kisshomaru formally started his Aikido training in 1936. He also studied kendo and Kashima Shinto-ryu 鹿島新当流 kenjutsu during childhood.

During World War II, Kisshomaru Ueshiba was drafted into the Japanese military and served as an instructor in hand-to-hand combat. After the war, he returned to his martial arts training under his father’s guidance and began teaching Aikido to the public. Kisshomaru played a crucial role in spreading Aikido worldwide. He founded the Aikikai Foundation 財団法人合気会 in Tokyo in 1948, which served as the headquarters of Aikido around the world. After that he sent many top instructors (Shihan 師範) oversea to spread Aikido, e.g. Koichi Tohei 藤平光一 to Hawaii in 1953, Yoshimitsu Yamada 山田嘉光 to New York in 1964, Nobuyoshi Tamura 田村 信喜 to France in 1964, Seiichi Sugano 菅野誠一 to Australia in 1965, and many others.

When Morihei Ueshiba passed away in 1969, Kisshomaru became the second Doshu of the Aikido world. He worked tirelessly to promote Aikido and make it accessible to people worldwide. He traveled extensively, giving demonstrations and teaching seminars in many countries, including the United States, Europe, and South America. He later established the International Aikido Federation in 1976, which has members from over 100 countries.

In additional to pyhsical techniques, Kisshomaru Ueshiba also emphasized the spiritual and philosophical aspects of Aikido. He often spoke about the importance of harmony and unity, not just in Aikido but also in everyday life. He also authored several books on Aikido and its philosophy, including “The Spirit of Aikido” and “The Art of Aikido: Principles and Essential Techniques”. The former is considered a classic in the Aikido literature and is widely read by Aikido practitioners all over the world.

Kisshomaru Ueshiba was awarded many honors and accolades during his lifetime, including the Third Order of the Sacred Treasure 瑞宝章 by the Japanese government, a honorary doctorate from Polytechnic University of Valencia Spain, and Sports Merit award from the French government, in recognition of his contributions to Aikido and the martial arts community.

Kisshomaru Ueshiba passed away on January 4, 1999, at the age of 77. He was succeeded as Doshu by his son, Moriteru Ueshiba 植芝守央, who continues to lead the Aikido world today. Kisshomaru Ueshiba’s legacy as a martial artist and leader continues to inspire and influence Aikido practitioners around the world.

Author’s Note: We appreciate your readership! This article serves as a preliminary introduction to the subject matter. While we aim for accuracy, we cannot guarantee the content’s precision and it may contain elements of speculation. We strongly advise you to pursue additional research if this topic piques your interest. Begin your AikidoDiscovery adventure! 🙂

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