• DO 道

    A Journey of Naming: From Daito Ryu to Aikido (Part II)

    Around 1934, Ueshiba received an invitation from Takuma Hisa 久琢磨, who was associated with the Osaka Asahi Shinbun 朝日新聞, one of Japan’s major and oldest national daily newspapers, to teach in Osaka. Ueshiba would regularly travel to the Asahi Dojo and taught there for about 3 years. During this period, Ueshiba referred to his art as Dai Nippon Asahi Ryu 大日本旭流. During his time in Osaka, Hisa and others who received instruction took advantage of the resources available at the newspaper company to meticulously document each technique and capture them in photographs and videos. These materials, along with the techniques Hisa later learned directly from Takeda Sokaku, were compiled into…