• Culture 文化,  History 歴史

    Aikido: 合氣道 or 合気道?

    To determine whether Aikido should be written as 合氣道 or 合気道, it is essential to understand the history and differences between the kanji 氣 (Ki) and 気 (Ki). The character 氣 is the original kanji from China, while 気 is the simplified Japanese version. 氣 (Qi in Chinese) is composed of the radicals 气 and 米. 气 (Qi) is the original form of 氣, pictogram appears in Jiaguwen 甲骨文 (script inscribed on animal bones and tortoise shells) for cloud vapor or moving gas, also representing inhaling and exhaling breath. 米 is rice. The earliest recorded use of 氣 dates back to 25-220 AD, initially associated with food, due to rice…